Ace of chalices
Ace of chalices

A figure leaves these cups behind as if beginning a journey.

  • Eight of Cups: Eight cups are arranged in a row.
  • Other cups show a red dragon of inflamed passion and emotion, as well as a snake arising from another cup. Another cup shows riches, another the cloaked soul of the querent about to be revealed, another castles. On one cup is the perfect lover or mate all people idealize.
  • Seven of Cups: A young person sees seven cups among the clouds and visions therein.
  • It can also indicate an invitation or gift coming from someone in your past. This card can indicate happy memories, as well as a certain clinging to the past and how things used to be.
  • Six of Cups: Two youths play in a garden, surrounded by six cups.
  • The hooded figure remains unaware of the two cups still standing behind-so the situation is not completely hopeless. Here it indicates hopes that have been dashed, or mourning over something that is lost. The 5 of any suit can be considered difficult. Behind the cloaked figure stand two cups, upright.
  • Five of Cups: A hooded figure with bowed head seems to mourn the 3 cups spilled before him.
  • It indicates a period of ennui and boredom, where nothing seems to be satisfying. A hand from a cloud offers him a fourth cup, but the youth shows no interest. He seems dissatisfied with the three cups before him.
  • Four of Cups: A young man sits under a tree thinking and sitting crosslegged, but this youth is not serene.
  • It indicates a time of merriment and celebration.
  • Three of Cups: The three Graces dance and cavort, each maiden bearing a cup.
  • Above is the red lion of strength and courage. The card portrays a young man and a woman each bearing a cup, as if presenting it to one another. Here it indicates two minds and hearts coming together and functioning as one.
  • Two of Cups: Two of any suit indicates duality.
  • A new business, a relationship, success on the path is inevitable. It is generally a card of happiness, and the beginning of many blessings. It can signify the birth of a child, or the beginning of a love situation that affects us deeply. Here the ace of cups indicates a new beginning of an emotional nature.
  • Ace of Cups: Aces always indicate beginnings.
  • ( July 2019) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message)

    ace of chalices

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    ace of chalices

    Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Additionally, cups were the symbol of the clergy in feudal times, and thus cup cards can also be interpreted as having to do with spiritual or religious matters. The water astrological signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. As such, when the tarot is used in divination, many cups signify an emotional issue or love situation, or some event that affects the querent emotionally. In tarot, the element of cups is water, and the suit of cups pertains to situations and events of an emotional nature – in contradistinction to physical, or mindful, or creative natures physical would refer to the understanding with the five senses, mindfulness would refer to mental constructs and logical sequences, and creative would refer to the agility of transcending limits, if so desired). In card games, the equivalent suit is Cups. However, in English-speaking countries, where the games are largely unknown, Tarot cards came to be utilized primarily for divinatory purposes. Tarot cards were originally designed for card play and are still used throughout much of Europe to play various Tarot card games.

    ace of chalices ace of chalices

    Historically, the suit represented the First Estate (the Clergy). Like the other suits of the Minor Arcana, it contains fourteen cards: ace (one), two through ten, page, knight, queen and king. They are sometimes referred to as chalices. The Suit of Goblets, more often known in modern times as the Suit of Cups, is one of four suits of tarot which, collectively, make up the Minor Arcana. Two of Cups or Goblets in the Swiss 1JJ Tarot deck

    Ace of chalices